Nagging Mom Solution

Children aren’t happy without something to ignore. And that’s what parents were created for. — Ogden Nash, The Parents

This post if for you parents out there.  Not too long ago, I was struggling because I had become Nagging Mom.  Something I had promised myself while young that I would never become.  But no matter what I tried, it seemed like anytime I wanted my kids to do something around the house, I had to become Nagging Mom.

Then I stumbled upon a simple solution that has helped cure my Nagging Mom problems.  The solution has had other added benefits for both child and parent alike.

I purchased a couple of small dry-ease boards, one for each child, positioned them in a central location in our home and when there are things to be done, I simply write down a list (my kids like to have check boxes to mark off).  Sometimes I make the list once a day, sometimes more.  For my beginning reader child, I draw pictures next to the words to help him determine what is on the list.  We usually go over their list during breakfast or after they get home from school and I give them a time frame that I want the chores done by.  Free-time always comes after they have completed all the chores.

Since I have started the chore list, I have found that my kids are a lot happier to help around the house.  Here are some of the other benefits I have found from using the chores list;


  • It makes them feel important and needed
  • Gives them clear expectations, no more “I didn’t know I had to do that”
  • It boost their self esteem, they really enjoy crossing off the chores and are always proud when their list is complete
  • Helped them become more organized
  • It has helped my beginning reader with his reading skills


  • Helps to cure Nagging Mom/Dad
  • The house seems to stay cleaner


  • We generally have more family time because the children stay focused while doing their chores and they don’t need constant reminders, saving us both time!

It can be done a variety of ways, but I like the flexibility I get with using the dry-ease board.  If I want my kids to do their usual chores, I put that on the list.  If I want my kids pick up something they dropped on the floor, I put that on the list.  The possibilities are endless with this solution and it is easy to keep up on, but I know that we all have to find something that works for us.

Since I have found this solution, I wanted to spread the message to everyone I knew because I had brought so much peace of mind to our home.

If you have found any solution to helping you stay more organized, please share!

Posted on July 10, 2011, in Parent Tips, Plan, Simplify and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. I’m going to try something similar to this idea. I actually found a “responsibilty chart” on amazon that has a ton of magnets of different jobs and behaviors that I want the kids to work on (plus some blank ones for me to create myself). They have words and pictures on them, so the kids should be able to undertand them. It’s all set up for me, plus it has a white board attached to it. I hope this system works as well in my house as it has in yours!

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